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The Cathedral of Santiago, architecture.

Date: 08/12/2019

Santiago's Cathedral is such a big construction that we can divide the building in different areas and styles, such as.

- Portico of Glory.With a Romanesque style and it was requested by King Fernando II, who didn't see it completed, and it was finally sanctified by Alfonso IX in 1211. It is partitioned in three half circle curves held by columns with sections and beautified with sculptures of beasts, missionaries and portrayals of the Old testament and scenes of the Revelation.

- Façade of the Obradoiro.It has its name thanks to the stone-carvers that worked building it. It has been reestablished in numerous ocassions because of climate conditions; the one we can see these days is from Rococo style and it was made by Fernando de Casas Novoa.

ItissituatedbetweentheBells'TowerandtheCarraca'sTower,itslargewindowsilluminatingtheRomanesquefaçade.HisthemefocusesontheApostleofSantiago. The stairs were desingned by Ginés Martinez in a renaissence style.

- Façade of the silverware. Built between the years 1103 and 1117, the only part of the cathedral that preserved a Romanesque style. It has two entrance door decorated with granite and marble colums that represents the twelve apostles around Christ

- Façade of "Da Acibecharía". This is the first sight that the pilgrims that access the Cathedral throught the Paradise Door can see. Nowadays is a Baroque style front, but it was originaly built with Romanesque style.

- Façade "Da Quintana". You will access in this façade through two big doors, decorated in a Baroque style. The first one, The Royal Door, is the one that kings use to enter to the cathedral, while the second one, The Forgiveness Door, is only open in Xacobean years.

Façade of The Obradoiro